Asure Network Bounty Campaign I

Check your activities


Please submit your work report via weekly report Form as well as on the Bounty thread till the end of every week.

How to Apply
1. Fill out the registration application form:
2. Fill in your activities in the form here:
3. Kindly fill up the forms in Bitcointalk below:

Report Example:
Your Name: ________
ERC-20 Wallet Address : ________
Campaign Name: ________
Week Number: __________
Work URLs: _________
Description: _________

How many repost and share/week for FB/LinkedIn/social campaign?
per week and campaign: up to 5 activities results in 5 shares per campaign
- comment - make one meaningful comment 70 character length (don't mention about Bounty)
- repost - repost one of our last posts with meaningful text and hashtags
- like - like one of our last posts

We want to distribute 5% of all the Asure tokens through the Bounty Program for two important reasons to raise awareness about the project as well as tokens for more community decentralization. That’s why we also use Airdrops, Compagnes, Angels and much more to achieve these goals.

Total Bounty Pool will be divided as follows:

10 % = $ 500.000 ASR Tokens: Asure Angels
10 % = $ 500.000 ASR Tokens: Agencies and Partnership
5 % = $ 250.000 ASR Tokens: Bug-Bounty Programm
5 % = $ 250.000 ASR Tokens: Reserve for unexpected purposes
20 % = $ 1.000.000 ASR Tokens: Airdrop

Phase 1: Today-15th Aug. 2019 (BOUNTY DISTRIBUTION)

10 % = $ 500.000 ASR Tokens: Shares for Campaigns— Phase 1

Phase 2: 15th Aug.-31th Dec. 2019 (BOUNTY DISTRIBUTION)

40 % = $ 2.000.000 ASR Tokens: Shares for Campaigns — Phase 2

Shared Campaigns

20% Creative Campaign — (Articles, News, Blog posts, etc.)
10% Twitter Campaign — (Follow, share, comments)
5% Peepeth Campaign — (Follow, like, share)
10% LinkedIn Campaign — (Content, like, share, comment)
10% Telegram Campaign — (Follow, share, comments)
10% Youtube Campaign — (Follow, share, comments)
5% Translation Campaign — (Translate: Papers, Websites, etc.)
10% Reddit Campaign — (Follow, share, comments)
10% Facebook Campaign — (Follow, like, share, comments)
5% Bitcointalk Campaign — (Comment, post, discuss, moderate)
5% Signature Campaign — (Bitcointalk, Twitter, Facebook)

Just follow the easy steps and click the links below:

1) Follow Asure Official Twitter:

2) Retweet the pinned post and put hashtags:
#asure #asuretoken $ASR #tge #ico #ieo #crypto #defi #socialsecurity @asurenetwork

3) Follow Asure main Telegram:

4) Follow Asure Bounty Telegram:

5) Feel free to follow us other social media channels

Change in wallet addresses is not permitted, so make sure that you provide the correct details the first time itself.

To complete your registration to Asure bounty program Kindly fill up the forms below:
Earn Tokens as a reward for any way you can promote Asure Network online. Examples of such work along with the rules will be given below. Basically, it can be one of the following, but not limited to article/video/post and so on. If you have a great idea and would like to know if it will be accepted, simply ask us.


20% of the Total Bounty will be allocated to the Creative Contest.


  • Write a public post or an article about Asure Network in any language, with at least 300 words and containing 2 links to
  • The website/blog where you post the content has to be relevant and connected to the crypto/financial world.
  • Your article/blog post has to have good writing quality.
  • You can post it in your blog, in Medium, LinkedIn, Facebook or in a forum where you are active. The article must be online at least until the end of our TGE.
    The popularity of the media where the post/article will be published as well as the quality of the content will be taken into consideration when we categorize works.
  • Only original work is accepted, using the work of someone else or copy/pasting parts of the ann thread/website/whitepaper will disqualify your work(s).
  • You can’t post the same article twice.
  • Unaccepted works must be removed from the Internet as soon as possible, but not later than after 2 days after the work was marked as unaccepted, otherwise, the user will be completely banned from all our Bounty programs (current ones and the future ones).
  • You accept, that we can repost your post in our publications.


We will categorize each article as extraordinary (100 shares), medium 5 shares, low (unaccepted). Extraordinary articles are articles published on press websites such as Forbes, TechCrunch, BitcoinMagazine, etc.

Earn Tokens as a reward for retweets and likes of the official announcements twits of the Asure Network account.


10% of Shares Bounty will be allocated to Twitter Campaign

Rules & Requirements

  • Follow us here:
  • The Twitter audit must be equal to or greater than 85% (use
  • Must make at least 5 activities about Asure Network per week.
  • Retweet all of Asure Network's official announcements
  • Comments should have a minimum of 50 characters and constructive.
  • Breaking Any of the Campaign rules can result in being rejected.
  • You must have a minimum of 300 followers and a minimum of 50 twits.
  • Twitter account must be legitimate with no less than 90% Twitter Audit. No fake, inactive or a bot account allowed.
  • You must be an active and regular Twitter user & must retweet and like @AsureNetwork official tweets and updates.
  • Include in all posts @AsureNetwork, posts without a tag will not be counted.
  • Account must be open as a Public Profile and all Posts shared need to be public as well.
  • Make RETWEETS with the hashtags: #asure #asuretoken #tge #ico #crypto #defi
  • Multiple accounts are not allowed. Those found using such multi accounts will be disqualified and blacklisted from all future campaigns
  • Be create and create own Posts


Max 5 Shares per week, you need to perform 5 tasks in any combination (post, retweet, like, comment).
Earn Tokens as a Reward for reposting Asure Network announcements on Peepeth.


5% of Shares Bounty will be allocated to Peepeth Campaign


Follow official Asure Network Peepeth page:
Share at least 5 Asure Network posts in Peepeth
Be create and create own Posts


Max 5 Shares per week, you need to perform 5 tasks in any combination (post, retweet, like, comment).
Earn Tokens as a Reward for liking, commenting and sharing Asure Network official posts.


10% of Shares Bounty will be allocated to LinkedIn Campaign


Follow the official Asure LinkedIn account:
Like all our posts in LinkedIn.
Share at least 5 of our posts on LinkedIn in your profile.
Leave meaningful and constructive comments in English under our posts.
Share at least one of our newest LinkedIn posts per week.

Max 5 Shares per week, you need to perform 5 tasks in any combination (post, like, comment).
Earn Tokens as a reward for joining Asure Network Telegram group and changing your account description/avatar in order to increase Asure awareness in Telegram (Signature Campaign).


10% of Shares Bounty will be allocated to Telegram Campaign

In order to receive updates and ask any bounty specific questions, join our Bounty Telegram Group


Join our Official Telegram Group ( You Must Stay in the group until Bounty is over ).
Add Text "Asure.Network TGE" to your telegram username.
Add our Avatar to your Telegram profile picture.
You can invite 1 friend per week.
Breaking Any of the Telegram Campaign rules can result in being rejected.


Max 5 Shares per week, you need to perform 5 tasks in any combination (post, comment, invite).
Earn tokens as a reward for following Asure account in Reddit and for sharing Asure posts in other crypto related community subreddits


10% of Shares Bounty will be allocated to Reddit Campaign


Subscribe to the Asure subreddit:

Like all official posts:
Share at least 5 Asure Network posts in other crypto related community subreddits
Earn Tokens as a Reward for liking and subscribing to Asure Network Youtube channel.


10% of Shares Bounty will be allocated to Youtube Campaign

High Quality: (500 ASR) ($500)
Medium Quality: (300 ASR) ($300)
Low Quality: (200 ASR) ($200)

Rules & Requirements

  • Subscribe to the official Asure Network Youtube channel:
  • Watch and like Asure Network videos.
  • We would accept any positive video about Asure Network, not only about the TGE but about the idea itself, use cases, benefits, TGE, etc.
  • Upload them on YouTube and/or Facebook (any video platform)
  • Must have at least 300+ subscribers
  • Duration should not be less than 2 minutes of actual content
  • Tokens will be allotted on the basis of the quality and audience of the video. The amount of stakes assigned is non-negotiable.
  • Plagiarism or use of other’s material will be considered as an invalid submission
  • Each submission has to have a clear identification or link to bitcointalk account in the description.
  • Maximum of 5 submissions per user


Max +5 Shares per week, you need to perform 5 tasks in any combination (comment, likes).

Earn Tokens as a Reward for getting people to like Asure Network Facebook Page and sharing Asure Network official announcements.


10% of Shares Bounty will be allocated to Facebook Campaign



Max 5 Shares per week, you need to perform 5 tasks in any combination (post, repost, comment, likes).

Earn Tokens as a Reward for getting people to talk about Asure and sharing Asure Network vision and mission.


5% of Shares Bounty will be allocated to Bitcointalk Campaign


  • Comment to Official annoncement post
  • Make one meaningful comment 70 character length (don't mention about Bounty).
  • (Optional) You can start a new discussion with a new positiv Post/Question about Asure Network.


Max 5 Shares per week, you need to perform 1 tasks in any combination (post, comment, moderate, discuss).
Earn Tokens as a Reward for uploading Asure Network signature in Bitcointalk, Twitter, Telegram, Facebook and etc.

We don't provide any BB code or Text be just creative, link to the website is important.


5% of Shares Bounty will be allocated to Signature Campaign


Simply upload/update the signature about Asure Network.
Logos are published to the Asure Network Dropbox:
  • We reserve the right to limit the number of participants in the campaigns at any time.
  • We reserve the right to change the conditions of our bounty campaign at any time.
  • We reserve the right to disqualify any user at any time.
  • Only one account per person. Using multi-accounts, cheating and spamming are strictly forbidden. The ones breaking the rule will be disqualified from the Bounty program without getting any tokens.
  • The distribution of the tokens to bounty participants will occur after the end of TGE.
  • Your payment address cannot be changed. Once you apply, your address will be locked. (Every participant is responsible for the protection of his/her payment address and private keys).
  • You need to join our Bounty Telegram group in order to participate in the Asure Bounty program. Without joining the telegram group, you will not be counted on any Bounty.

    The telegram link is:
  • The Bounty telegram link is:


Can I buy tokens?
you have to register for KYC / Whitelisting From and from the 1st of August you can buy tokens.

Is KYC needed for bounty hunters?
No. For Bounty Hunters KYC is not needed at the moment.

Where can I find spreadsheet?
There is no spreadsheet but we create site where you can check your shares.

How and when you can receive your bounty tokens?
The Bounty program will run until the end of the Token Sale. The bounties will be paid within 30 days after the end of the Token Sale depending on the number of participants.

Everyone who has taken part in our Bounty program will get the tokens after the end of our TGE according to individual contribution.

The individual contribution will be calculated based on the number of stakes that one earned in each campaign.

For example, after counting all activities retweets, a website will be created where everyone will be able to see their personal bounty stakes earned in all campaign.

The coins will be distributed between all members participating in the bounty campaign according to the number of stakes they have earned. Then we will continue to the Telegram Campaign participants, etc.

To summarize, the stakes earned will be divided into separate campaigns.

How many repost and share/week for FB/LinkedIn/social campaign?
per week and campaign: up to 5 activities results in 5 shares per campaign
- comment - make one meaningful comment 70 character length (don't mention about Bounty)
- repost - repost one of our last posts with meaningful text and hashtags
- like - like one of our last posts

If you have any questions regarding the bounty campaign or if you need any assistance, feel free to contact us either in the specially created Telegram group or per email using [email protected].


Please submit your work report via weekly report Form as well as on the Bounty thread till the end of every week.

1. Fill out the registration application form once.
2. Kindly fill up the forms in Bitcointalk.
3. Fill in your activities in the form.

Report Example
ERC-20 Wallet Address : ________
Campaign ID: ________
Week Number: __________
Work URLs:
1. _________
2. _________
3. _________
4. _________
5. _________
There is no spreadsheet but we create site where you can check your shares.
No. For Bounty Hunters KYC is not needed at the moment.
No, but you can complete the task for two weeks or more and then report it.
The Asure (ASR) token is not listed on any exchange yet, the listing we plan to do after the Main-sale (31. Dec. 2019). But you can not prevent the token from being listed earlier by the Exchanges.
  • We reserve the right to limit the number of participants in the campaigns at any time.
  • We reserve the right to change the conditions of our bounty campaign at any time.
  • Only one account per person. Using multi-accounts, cheating and spamming are strictly forbidden.
  • Your payment address cannot be changed. Once you apply, your address will be locked. (Every participant is responsible for the protection of his/her payment address and private keys).
  • You need to join our Bounty Telegram group in order to participate in the Asure Bounty program.
    Without joining the telegram group, you will not be counted on any Bounty.
    The Telegram link is:
  • The Bounty Telegram link is:
  • Any users who get their Bitcointalk/Facebook/Twitter account banned will lose ALL stakes. Please use your accounts responsibly.
  • The ones breaking the rule will be disqualified from the Bounty program without getting any tokens.
  • We reserve the right to disqualify any user at any time.
  • You accept, that we can repost your post in our publications.
  • By signing up for the bounty, you accept these terms.
You have to register for KYC / Whitelisting From and from the 1st of December you can buy tokens.
The distribution of the tokens to bounty participants will occur after the end (31. Dec. 2019) of TGE.
This can only be said when the bounty program is completed and depends on the number of participants and completed tasks.